Challenge 010: Icon Tag

Jul 11, 2015 19:01


Description In the comments, you will ask to be assigned a partner for this challenge and working together to make icons! In each step, a participant will complete one part of the icon and then their partner will complete the next part of the icon. You can do this four times/make four icons. Ideally, each person would start an icon twice but if you'd like to work it out differently with your partner that's fine too.

The steps are as follows:
1. base icon (your 100x100px starting point)
2. coloring/lighting
3. textures
4. text (text textures allowed)


base | coloring/lighting | textures | text

In the comments, it'll look something like this (except with alternating participants.)

Points each addition is worth 4 points, 32 points possible (4 icons per team)
Due Date 24 July 11:59pm EDT
Submitting Submit here to this post in the thread with you and your partner's names. If you have any questions please ask in the “questions thread” below.

challenge, type: partners, type: icons, round05

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