Challenge 058: Inspired By...

Feb 01, 2015 23:55


Description Make graphics using the inspiration posts made in this challengeA few guidelines ( Read more... )

challenge, round03

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seraphina_snape February 11 2015, 18:51:32 UTC
Part 1:
2 tumblr graphics
1 sig tag
= 25 points

(click to see the full-size versions)

inspired by this post by blue_sunflowers

Part 2:
5 sig tags
= 25 points

inspired by this post by entwashian


entwashian February 19 2015, 06:03:45 UTC
I love your use of geo motifs in the negative space sig tags.


seraphina_snape February 19 2015, 17:11:35 UTC
That wasn't even intentional, but thank you!


blue_sunflowers February 19 2015, 07:44:01 UTC
Ohhhh! You managed to use that one template! The pics of Parker are awesome. And wow, the Gipsy Danger turned out great as well!


seraphina_snape February 19 2015, 17:12:25 UTC
Thank you! I kind of wanted to use them all (and I did save a bunch for later), but I didn't have time.


seraphina_snape February 19 2015, 17:13:25 UTC
Thank you! I kind of wanted to use them all (and I did save a bunch for later), but I didn't have time.


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