How's my driving?/Permissions and info

Nov 23, 2012 17:36

Name: North Italy
Series: Axis Powers Hetalia
Timeline: Post Axis Powers Jokes (posters), pre Buon San Valentino.

Comments can be anon, and are screened.
I know nothing of IP logging so there you have that.
Feel free! ♥

[Mun and contact info]
Name: Chris
Mun journal: lovelessangel88 
AIM: liberiillusion
MSN: (primary messenger.)
Yahoo: (primary email.)
Time zone: GMT -6 (Central)


Backtagging: Yes
Threadhopping: I'd rather you ask, but I'll put up notices if no is no.
Fourthwalling: Only during select events, I fear.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): I'm pretty difficult to offend. Think of it this way: If it's something you couldn't tell your hyper-liberal cousin, you may want to ask.


Hugging this character: Sure- he'll probably hug back. And then you'll have an Italian latched onto you.
Kissing this character: Depends. Romantic kisses he'll probably flip out and panic a little. Maybe be confused. Friendly little 'hello' pecks, he'll have no issues with.
Flirting with this character: Go for it, he'll flirt right back.
Fighting with this character: He has to be really upset to fight back, usually he'll just give up and cry. He only fights if there is literally no other way out.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Small little smacks and the like he'll recover from quickly, won't bug him much- he may cry for like five minutes but that's it. More severe things, I'd rather there only be a seriously good reason for it, and he'll probably avoid you for a while and be really wary. But he's pretty resilient so he's tough to injure very severely.
Killing this character: Again, pretty resilient, but this is liable to be an offense he'll never forgive, and he'll avoid you forever. Like cross the street and go out of his way avoidance.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: All you're likely to get is thoughts of pasta, musings on the music, and such silliness.

Warnings: Yes, he's a ditz. But he's got his heart in the right place. And he's very friendly so you don't have to worry about being rebuffed for talking to him.

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