Jan 21, 2010 15:35
[The video turns on, showing Atem--who looks even more worse for the wear than usual; he's not having any luck lately--and a very cute tiny!Atem. The little boy looks somewhere between four and six, and he's decked out in gold jewelry and sporting a nice tan. Gold is little!Atem, blue is the older.]
So you can see and talk to people with this?
Aa. It's recording right now.
Really? Neat! That saves a lot of time!
It does.
So I can say hi to other people? Like Yuugi?
You could, though aibou will be back shortly and you could speak with him person.
Mm, maybe, but I want to say hi to your other friends. [He beams at the screen.] Hi everyone!
Alright, I'm certain they're thoroughly greeted now.
Okay, then let's go play some more games now! [He button-smashes until the feed turns off, despite older!Atem's attempts to keep him from damaging the computer.]
!video post,
#event: past selves,