Oct 03, 2005 23:49
What an amazing event. Talked with mom a bit yesterday. Dad might have to goto a rehab center to learn how to hold a spoon, write and even how to use a mouse again. All those things we don't even think about, and he needs to relearn them as an adult. All from nerve damage caused by something curing him. Amazing how bass ackwards everyone is these days in the field of medicine. Which brings me to something funny I read in the Tribune today.
Marijuana Causes Schizophrenia. That's right people, straight from the horses mouth at the Office of National Drug Control Policy. You heard it here first folks, weekly use of Marijuana can increase depression later in life, cause suicidal thoughts, and even help manifest schizophrenia. God I love the leaders of this country, so afraid of something who's side effects are less likely to kill than cigarettes (because guess what, the argument spearheading the ban on medical marijuana, reefer causing lung cancer, has actually been proved to do the opposite, and not cause it anymore than a non-smoking human has a chance of getting it), AND leaves you in a better state than other stimulants such as alcohol. Marijuana is a relaxer, it gives you a calm euphoria... alcohol just makes you go temporarily insane. Sure you may do things you never had the balls to do when you get high, but the same is also true when you get drunk. I'm not an expert, but from what I've heard of the people jumping up and down doing the pee-pee dance to get their message out and the people who watch them act like fools while giving actual research to back their claims.... I'm going with the people who do the research. I'll follow an educated man before a zealot any day.
This has been a conclusion to my daily rant... good day.