Oct 12, 2004 00:35
so lets see. i said that id have the two write-ups done, and i will...HOPEFULLY soon. but yeah. lets see whats been going on lately. i got Boy Meets World season 1 on dvd. it is good stuffs. i got to talk to breanne online the other day. that was cool, hadn't seen her in forever. hmm. i miss grace a lot, i wonder when ill see her again. bryan told me that i am teaching college group on sunday. im teaching on the Rich Young Ruler. we shall see how i do. today at work was interesting. my boss ripped a light fixture out of the ceiling while trying to remove the cover, and i spent a while trying to fix it with him. i noticed that your arms get REALLY tired when youre holding something up above your head for a few min. today an inspector came to look at the house, and he let Asylum out by leaving the door open. luckily he's back in the house now, so my kitty is ok. i am very tired, and i have work in the morning, and i get to see RC Sproul on fri/sat. that will be very cool. so now i slumber.
PSALM 19:12-14(nkjv)
Who can understand his errors
Cleanse me from secret faults
Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins
Let them not have dominion over me
Then I shall be blameless
And I shall be innocent of great transgression
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heat
Be acceptable in Your sight
O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer