Oct 20, 2008 08:58
So they decided to deliver Keenan early, and by C-Section. He was born on October 16th, 2008, at 5:45pm. He weighed 2lbs, and is 14 in long. He is in the NICU at Geisinger in Danville. He's doing amazing. He is breathing on his own pretty much, they give him a little help keeping his airways open, because he just doesn't have much muscle strength yet. Goals for him to come home is to be able to breathe on his own, completely, without the occasional help, to eat from a bottle, and to regulate his own body temperature. He's really close to the first. They're starting to work towards feedings over the next week, and in order to regulate his own body temperature, he needs to gain weight. All of which, are very possible for him. There are pictures up in the appropriate album of him, though i hate only having pictures of him all wired up and whatnot. He's already got a temper. He seems to give the nurses problems when they touch him, but he's always a peach with me and Mike. I've only gotten to hold him once, and so far i'm the only one that's gotten to. But yep. This was just to let everyone know what's been going on. I'll update as things progress.
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