May 28, 2009 23:46
My already postponed appointment has now been pushed back one whole week. It's nobody's fault really, just timing and the way the system is set up. Gaaaahhh!!!!
The roommate is moving out this Sunday, meaning we'll be able to decorate the living room they way we want and look into new carpeting and painting both the living room and the bedroom. Score!
The only thing that sucks is that he's going to be taking pretty much everything that's in the living room. Time to go shopping for a new TV. Can you say credit? (Not like I don't have enough problems with bills lately.)
Work is still slow, I'm just hoping it starts to pick up soon. While I enjoy slow nights at times I'm beginning to worry that the company itself might be in jeopardy. Might want to polish off the old resume just in case things go south.
If the lab closes, then maybe I can actually write that story and shop it around. BULLSHIT, I'll just find another reason to procrastinate and put it off again.
We shall see, we shall see.
Draven, signing off...........................