Turning (Chapter One)

Nov 01, 2011 01:00

Title: Turning (1)
Author: Me, Beck!
Rating: This Chapter is probably G.
Pairing: Ville/OFC and possibly Vam. Idk yet.
Summary: After several centuries of life as a Vampire, Ville turns his life around. Well as much as a 700 year old Vampire can.
Disclaim: Own no one at all.

Ville sank his fangs deep with in her neck and drank steadily. She moaned, gripping his bicep tightly. Pain burned down her neck, through her spine and curled her toes. Things started to go black, her eyes felt incredibly heavy. Her hand dropped from his arm, all strength leaving her body. Releasing her on the very very tip of literal death, he retracted his fangs and licked the stray drop of blood from his lips. Ville looked into her dimming eyes, “Just relax, Luna.” he whispered, running his fingers through her hair. Instantly, he felt Luna relax in his arms. “Good. Very good.” He smiled at her. He cupped her jaw lightly, running his thumb across her bottom lip before gently opening her mouth a bit. Bringing his fangs out again and biting into his free hand at the wrist, he brought it to her lips and allowed his blood to drip into her mouth steadily.

“Drink, Luna.” He commanded.

With as much strength as she could find, Luna weakly gulped down his blood. “Carefully.” Ville warned as some of his blood lined out of the corner of her mouth and down her cheek, disappearing at her neck. Finally, he pulled his wrist away, the wound there closing with in moments. Pulling out a hankie, Ville wiped away the wasted blood on her cheek. “Can you hear me, Luna?” he asked, putting the hankie away. Not a sound came out of the girl in his arms. Ville closed his briefly with a sigh.

“What's wrong, Ville?” A voice asked. “Did you kill your pet?” The person stepping into the room teased the Vampire.

“No, Brandon I did not.” Ville answered, picking Luna up with ease and laid her down on the bed properly. “Not completely anyway.” he said softly looking down at Luna, he tapped his bare foot to the beat of her heart on the hardwood floor of their bedroom. It was slower than he'd like to be, but it was still beating safely for a human and her breathing was stead enough to reassure Ville that she's survive. Bam stepped completely into the room, and his eye went wide with surprise.

“She's not the one you had the last time we hung out.” He stated stepping near, but was stopped with Ville's hand to his chest.

“No closer, Bam.” He warned. “I'm not sharing this one.”

“Why the hell not?” Bam demanded. “You always let me play with your pets.” Ville swung around and slammed Bam to the wall.

“She's not a pet. She's...” Ville looked from Bam, trying to find the right words.

“She's what, Ville?” Bam snapped, pushing Ville off him.

“Luna is different.” Ville answered. “She started out as a pet, but after a few weeks, she changed.” Bam shook his head, stunned. He put his hands up and stepped back. He was in utter shock over the change in his Vampire companion. In the 300 years he'd known Ville, he had never seen this coming.

“She's your girlfriend.”

An uncontrolled smile of joy crossed Ville's face and he laughed. “I'm in love with her, Bam. Is that so wrong? Yes, we still play like she's my pet and she lets me drink from her. But at the end of the day I love kissing her good night softly, laying down in bed with her and feel her wrap herself around me as she falls asleep.” he laughed more. “Have you ever done that?”

“Done what!?”

“Watched someone your with fall asleep all snuggled and cuddled up to you. Listened to their heart and breath slow as the relax into a deep dreaming sleep.” Ville explained. “And not because you've scared them half to death or drank them dry or what the fuck other reason. But watched, listened and felt it in total honesty.” Bam's face at the end of Ville's ranting was like the day, he first discovered Vampires were real and then shortly after was turned.

“Have you fed enough lately?” Bam asked, concern filling his blue eyes.

“Yes. I have, Bam. I feel love again and I'm loving it and I'm loving her.”

“Is that why you turned her?” Bam asked crossing his arms over his chest.

Ville shook his head at his friend. “I didn't turn her, Bam.” he sighed. “She asked me to take her to the brink of death and I did. She's perfectly fine.” Bam sighed and dropped into the seat at the writing desk in the bedroom for Ville's middle of the night lyric revelations.

“Okay. I believe you and I'll stay away from her as long as she behaves with you and doesn't try coming onto me.” Bam agreed, slightly upset that he couldn't play with Ville's new Pet …. girlfriend.

“Thank you. Now, get out of our bedroom. I'll met you in the living room.” Ville said turning back around to Luna, who he covered up and kissed on the forehead. “She needs to rest.” Bam nodded, getting up and leaving the room. Ville waited til he knew Bam was in the living room downstairs, before leaning close to Luna's ear.

“I'll be in the living room, when and if you need me.” he whispered, then left the room, turning off the lights and leaving the door open in the slightest crack as he went.

turning, ville/luna

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