Jul 19, 2005 15:57
Although I've managed to lurk in the background of everyone else's live journals, reading random samples of nothingness and even *gasp* leaving a comment once in a while, I realize that it has been quite a long time since I've posted. Considering that my last post actually said something about my promise to post more often, I felt I should make a stab at this whole not-dropping-off-the-face-of-Earth thing.
Let's see... what's happened since I last posted...
That's right, I now take my place as an alumnus of Duke University. I also take my place as yet another Durhamite, since my new job is in Cary. I'm a production assistant in the journals department of Oxford University Press. I actually was lucky enough to get hired (and start working) approximately a month before graduation. Best part: This is the job I really wanted. I enjoy what I'm doing, the hours are flexible, my coworkers are great, and Oxford is a great company to work for (my health and dental plans are nice).
I'm still living in Durham because 1) Amy and I will still be rooming together until she graduates, 2) the cost of living in Cary is much higher, and 3) everyone I know is there. My apartment is great- I offer lodgings to any alums planning to visit Durham. I've got the master bedroom (master only by having an attached bath, not by size difference), which I have, naturally, decorated to the hilt. Hilt of what?, you ask. Um... the hilt of the vaulted ceiling?, I answer tentatively.
So, in summary, I'm enjoying this whole "adult" thing, although at the same time I'm holding my breath for everything to settle down. Once my budgeting gets straightened out (purchasing for the apartment is pretty much done, but car insurance and student loans are taking their place), everything will be good.
And yes, I am drinking again.