Week 69/70: Achievement

May 15, 2018 23:51

Dark horse team placing 4th in the PSSG scrabble, not too shabby!

The bottle opener medal

The first round loss which made us end up in the loser bracket worked out in the end. Shoutout to a friend for seeding my mind with smegma ;) for this board:

Unnecessary verbiage. Satisfying though.

(even though checking anagrams after the game made me realise message and massage were more obvious plays)

Completed a red route @ BW and landed a dyno on May Day climb. Donated the requisite tribute of skin (though abovementioned friend donated way more).

Managed to emerge first in division two's group of 4 for table soccer HDB games ;)


Seems like a year plus of getting whooped paid off, now I get whooped less (at least in the div 2 small pond).

Ran viper challenge in the pouring rain - separate post here.

Love the process, but enjoy the fruits of your labour while you can ;)

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