On Photography and the Unconscious

Feb 15, 2012 11:47

"A rough but not inadequate analogy to this supposed relation of conscious to unconscious activity might be drawn from the field of ordinary photography. The first stage of the photograph is the 'negative'; every photographic picture has to pass through the 'negative process', and some of these negatives which have held good in examination are admitted to the 'positive process' ending in the picture."
Sigmund Freud, "A Note on the Unconscious in Psycho-Analysis" (1912)
I am a little annoyed that I ran out of time before Christmas to produce a drawing from a photograph for submission to an exhibition, but it just wasn't working and I didn't have time to be patient. The idea will go on the back burner, but another theme for an exhibition has developed, and like most of the things I run with, this had the series of small explosions of inspiration in rapid succession.

Back, again to Freud, as if I'd ever escaped. Here's him using photography as an analogy for the process of the unconscious. I wonder, though, how we modify this for digital practice?
This entry was originally posted at http://stares.dreamwidth.org/10419.html, as part of my photography blog. Please comment there.

uncanny, unstares, sigmund freud

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