That wasn't just any elaborate bomb scare hoax...

Aug 27, 2011 12:50

... that was a Marks and Spencer elaborate bomb scare hoax.

As I wanted the British Library, I took the HS1 rather than the train to Victoria - although I could have done the route in reverse and started with the NPG.

I went back to the British Library to have a proper look at Out of this World, and I must organise my thoughts to make a review. Yes, it's fantastic, but... There's something that just doesn't gel for me. I only spotted about three mistakes, and I got frustrated by the failure to credit cover artists. Some of this appears to be in the catalogue, which I'll buy in due course. I'm not sure what story is being told - or rather, I suspect it's a story that I don't need to read. But there's also the urge to read those books...

I also took a look at the Peake - although I think the Chichester show was better. It would help to be clearer which end it started. I didn't have the energy to read all the text on the manuscripts, and I need to do some digging to see what's published. I clearly need the new Titus book, though I haven't read the last one yet. I managed to hear the whole serialisation, though I'm not sure it worked. Probably more than the tv version.

Then via Oxfam on Museum Street Bloomsbury Street to the Cartoon Museum and the Doctor Who comics exhibition. I suspect most of what was on display was the original artwork, but there were also some colourised panels as well. Again, I'm not sure what audience it was aimed at, as it explained what a TARDIS was towards the end. It struck me - and it disappointed me - that so much of it was postDoctor Who Weekly, although in retrospect that was a quarter or so of the time scale. Who stole all the time? No catalogue, as far as I could see. Free with Art Fund Card.

Finally through increasingly heavy rain to the National Portrait Gallery and the Camden Group - which was only about ten paintings, and was hidden. Or rather the map in the lobby needs a YOU ARE HERE arrow on it. Will go back and do the Hollywood Glamour stuff.

Add to the shit list: people with umbrellas who think they can just bimble along, and the killer suitcases on wheels.

Tube back to St P, and the traditional arrival thirty seconds before a train departs. I got one half an hour later, which came with a disturbing warning to look under our cars when we got to Canterbury. I'd already had a text warning me something was going on - something on Old Dover Road and Tescos and Marks and Sparks had been evacuated. After much net digging, I discovered there'd been a suspect package on the line near the bridge and a fire (and a second package) at Marks. There was the cricket match on, and something may have been happening there, too. Much of the high street and Old Dover Road were cordoned off, but fortunately I found a way round, and saw that there were bus replacement services running. I'm so glad I took the more expensive route.

It turns out the whole thing was a hoax - someone has left two rucksacks with wires made to look like bombs. Things the city could have done without.

paintings, expotitions, exhibitions, london

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