I have obviously read books since September - just haven't been writing them down. Here's a likely partial list.
CXLIX: Frederik Pohl, Man Plus
Cyberpunk a la Sterling, ahead of the game.
CLXX: Frederik Pohl, Gateway
Pohl does BDO - strange alien spaceships that offer return trips to riches or one way to death. We know the hero survives because he's in therapy, but I can't help but feel the Awful Revelation (which makes little sense) is dated badly.
CLXXI: Frederik Pohl, Beyond the Blue Event Horizon
Heechee sequel - let's go out there and exploit those resources - only not yet answering any questions.
CLXXII: Frederik Pohl, Jem
Odd satirical utopia, which moves a cold war binary into a three way split, which is then replicated on the alien planet, only the aliens cooperate. Redeemed by the geologic epilogue.
CLXXIII: Russell Hoban, Riddley Walker
The one where the language clearly hasn't been spellchecked... Post nuclear quasi medieval set in East Kent - must look for St Eustache in the cathedral. One of those I've read about so many times, that the read is anticlimax.
CXXIV: Manly Wade Wellman and Wade Wellman, Sherlock Holmes's War of the Worlds
Before Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, there was this mash up.
CXXV: Quintin Jardine, Skinner's Rules
First of a series of detective novels set in Edinburgh - different precinct from Rebus, of course, and I'm not sure I like the shifting viewpoint and occasional infodump tone. Also more obviously political than Rebus - in that the politics feel like they've been earned in Rebus whereas as this is secret services interfering in international assassination.
CXXVI: Quintin Jardine, Skinner's Festival
Terrorist outrages in Edinburgh - at this rate expect the nuclear option by book six. I'll keep reading but not yet convinced. Had the virtue of not being written in the 1970s.
CXXVII: Barry N. Malzberg, Scop
Time travel, trying to change the death of Kennedy
CXXVIII: Barry N. Malzberg, The Last Transaction
Presidential autobiography of a man trying to avoid the curse of the twenty year interval (presidents elected in 1960, 1940, 1920, 1900, 1880, 1860, etc?)
CXXIX: Barry N. Malzberg, Tactics of Conquest
Two humans play chess for the fate of the Earth, or maybe the universe. I forget.
CXXX: Barry N. Malzberg, The Gamesman
Do you play the game or does the game play you?
CXXXI: Larry Townsend, 2069
Gay porn/erotica: Ronnie meets Major Mac and joins the space navy SEXCOM - together they meet the Centralians, with their telepathic powers. And have sex.
CXXXII: Larry Townsend, 2069 + 1
Gay porn/erotica: Mac and Ronnie meet the Scorpians, who they have to pretend to be bigger than. And have sex.
CXXXIII: Larry Townsend, 2069 + 2
Gay porn/erotica: Mac and Ronnie meet the inhabits of the oddly Egyptian Luxor. And have sex.
CXXXIV: Brian Aldiss, The Malacia Tapestry
The Renaissance version of steampunk - tapestry punk. Mock Italianate adventure as they make a movie, sort of.
CXXXV: George H. Smith, The Second War of the Worlds
Wells sequel set in parallel universe, with Dr W and Mr H, whoever they might be. Sheesh.
There are a couple of art books - but I'll hold back.