State of the Project

Nov 03, 2010 12:47

Just completed chapter thirteen, so that's four chapters drafted. It's at 7,500 words and more on It's Alive needs to go in (I thought I'd done that, but maybe I'm thinking of taking the notes...). I need some bits about Doctor Who, and to sprinkle the word "metanarrative" through the chapter a little more frequently. What's odd is the way the chapter has veered into supernatural sf, but I can't see how to stop it leaving sf behind.

I'm hoping to get chapter 15 into shape tomorrow, as I've seen the light on this (a while back, but it needed a fortnight of staring at a keyboard and taking the same book too and from work every trip). I need to track down William Gass's Fiction and the Figures of Life, I suspect chapter one, but no joy thus far.

Chapter 11 ought to be easily whipped into shape - but I need to read a porn trilogy, and that can't easily be done in coffee shops. Well, maybe it can. Spook the tourists.

If all goes to plan I should write 30,000 words this month - a sorta NaNonFicWriMon, especially as there will be 20,00 words of bibliography to wrestle into shape.

research, writing, that seventies thing

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