Thwarted II - Or Plan D from Outer Kent

Oct 15, 2010 13:01

There had been a plan for a two-pronged expotite on Maidstone, but that's been postponed for logistics reasons, so I thought, good, I can stay at home and watch season two of Survivors and write. So far today has been noticeable for the failure to do so.

Now I find I need a) a copy of Camera Lucida and b) to order stuff from Amazon which results in a need to go to the library and find wifi. It further occurs to me that I could buy the things that I need from town whilst I'm there. And this occurred just before I bought disinfectant in the corner shop - disinfectant I had anticipated buying in Morrisons after Plan C's visit to Staples, a visit shelved after a realisation I don't need to stuff from Staples right now. So library and wifi and shop and home - or library and Bux's wifi and shop and home - or library and wifi and shop and Rymans and Nerd and reading Memoirs of a Survivor and home.

Plans are multiplying.

None of them seem to involve watching season two of Survivors...

expotitions, shopping

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