Not Big. Not Clever

Oct 08, 2010 01:47

I stand at a cusp. One direction, things could be very good indeed. The other, not so good. Well, not necessarily worse than now, although there will be self doubts and hurt feelings. Mainly my own.

To suspect that both paths would lead to the same place is distinctly glass half empty thinking - and perhaps someone should get this water tested.

In any case, I am filled with a sense of foreboding.

I now that I am probably filled with a sense of foreboding because I am not sleeping as much as I should. And I am not sleeping because - not actually a sense of foreboding, but rather the things which is causing foreboding and/or excitement.

In Australia I was crashing in the early evening. I went back to the hotel via a supermarket and watched dvds - including a British sf series which make Blakes Seven look about as grim as Red Dwarf, and was generally asleep by 10.

The jetlag meant that once I was home I was in bed by, if not midnight, then at a reasonable hour. For once I was going to bed the same day I got up, rather than getting up the same day I went to bed.

Things, evidently, have slipped.

And even on days I'm getting to bed at 1.30, I'm not sleeping. Not until gone 3.00.

Like tonight.

Did you know digital Radio 4 moves from World Service to BBC Schools at 2am GMT?

And so I am facing petty annoyances.

The road about ten metres from my house is about to be closed for two weeks. This is going to be chaos. I don't drive, but it's already a rat run.


The HS1 trains are going to be suspended during the Olympics. I don't use it very often, but I'm happy it's there for when I do, especially if I want to go north. Locally we've trailed having training camps in the area - the new sports facilities off campus are reserved for some nationality or other. Apparently they won't be going to Stratford So-Called International by train after all. And should I want to go to the Olympics, I will need to take a long way round. Mostly, I think, I shall go east.


I need a third thing but I can't think of it.


If I try now, maybe I can get to bed by 2am.

whine whine whine, grrr

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