More about Yes Prime Minister and Henry Goodman and David Haig channeling the late great Nigel Hawthorne and Paul Eddington later, indeed more on John Tunnard. I am excited about rumours of a Frida Kahlo exhibition. I saw a copy of Love Labours Lost, but it didn't meet the £2 rule, nor am I sure that I don't have the Arden edition. I did find a copy of Dying Inside Robert Silverberg.
LXXIX: Barry Malzberg, Overlay (1972)
Odd Malzberg novel where alien uses psi powers to influence betting and destroy the world. Overlay is, I suspect, a betting strategy across several races? Dunno.
LXXX: Robert Silverberg, A Time of Changes (1971)
Silverberg's answer to Bable-17 - a society where the first person is banned and the experience of a prince-like figure who discovers his ego. Fascinating, and a fast read.
LXXXI: Robert Silverberg, Downward to the Earth (1970)
A guilty feeling human colonist returns to a planet to solve a mystery which has haunted him since he went back to Earth, and asks the green elephant like creatures, which are the dominant species, for help. Like Strangers a book about humans not getting it - invoke Kim and a character called Kurtz. Mistah Kurtz - he mutant.