Do Be Do To Be Do

Dec 19, 2009 15:21

  1. read and comment on article for journal
  2. write and deliver six four three lectures
  3. mark thirty-five two horror essays
  4. second mark ten audiences essays
  5. write and deliver seminar paper
  6. write chapter on The Man Who Fell to Earth
    Scrivener was due to expire today (I've eked out a thirty day trial since July...) so I've exported successfully into Word. I scribbled on two-thirds of a draft and ought to plot scribbling on the rest. Interesting if fiddly experience breaking an article down to individual argument points and then aiming for 300 words on each; I've overshot badly, but this may be not bad thing.

    4829 / 4000 words. 121% done!
  7. write chapter proposal for book project
  8. read book and watch two films for adaptations project
  9. write a chapter of seventies book

Now I'd better go and do what I'm here to do.

to do, research, academia

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