Feb 10, 2007 16:09
So we got to the fencing a fortnight earlier than anticipated, although we only had a window of about two and a half hours to do anything in. The old posts were clearly rotten, and so came out with a little persuasion. We had the cunning idea of using the existing footings, which have holes the size of a post in, but unfortunately my repeated comments that the new fence was a foot taller than the old were ignored and we hammered the first post in too far. We were able to retrieve the post and footing, but not to separate the two. We reburied this and tried to concrete it all in.
That left us enough time to fix the poorer of the two second class weatherboards, and both look more than presentable. If the gods are with us then we can affix these to the posts tomorrow, somehow. We have the fixings. And a two foot gap.
It is damp and claggy under foot so that 1) the concrete that dries in 15 minutes is still wet 2) the lawn is ripe for a recreation of the Somme and 3) my few bits of carpet are now mud coloured. But progress has been made, ahead of schedule.
outdoor work with heavy lifting,