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May 11, 2009 16:42

This year's world tour has been brought to you by the letter L.

Leuven, next.

Pissed: let me count the ways.

The MA validation event was fine, and I sometimes actually believe I am good at this shit. Though I must learn to shut up in meetings. I can't help be feel that we were validating four MA programmes, or at the very least two with multiple pathways, but we are only getting paid for one. The early start on Friday meant I skipped the hotel breakfast, but that was no great loss. The station I needed appears to be situation a mile from the town it serves. The campus is rather more than the ten minutes' walk trhe map claims. Thankfully I found a bus.

Oh yes, Virgin. Half an hour late due to diversion via Northampton - but table facing direction of travel as booked was not seat against direction of travel. Given the comparative emptiness of the train, I should have moved.

Odeon Cinemas. Can you really justify charging £2.50 for a bottle of water? I will smuggle in in future, as I usually do. Coraline was pretty, especially the bit at the end of the credits. 3D is exhausting.

Liverpool One. Your shops are mostly dull. And I felt like a criminal for taking photos. I'm almost disappointed that you didn't try to stop me taking them. Your identikit nubuild hi street is dullsville.

New secondhand bookshop. Why are you in the electronic yellow pages if you aren't open yet? I suppose it isn't your fault that I got the map of Liverpool upside down, and so I'd set off in the wrong direction, then at ninety degrees, but.

Hotel - don't list the fact that your hotel is in a noisy area at the bottom of a long webpage. Let me know earlier so I don't book. More than three hours sleep a night would be nice, but failing that, three consecutive hours.

The good burgers of Liverpool: do you have to be so loud at 4am? Don't you know there's a credit crisis on? Do you really need laser beams until 3am?

FACT. It's a silly name. You need better signage pointing out the cinema is on the fourth floor.

Caffe Nerd kiosk on Liverpool Station. Do I not even get the option of a black Americano then?

Caffe Nerd kiosk on Victoria Station. When I asked for a large black Americano without any milk, your offer of milk was superfluous.

Tesco being closed. It's a nation-wide problem. (Maybe this is a sign. Given how many branches Liverpool have, I thought the whole world had been assimilated.)

Work. Let's not talk about work.

ETA: All the traffic lights being out on the way to work. Again

liverpool, expotitions, argh, indoor work with no heavy lifting, wtf?, academia

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