originally uploaded by
Andrew M Butler.
A soggy day - after an unusual Saturday morning therapy session I headed forth to a) do the British TV animation exhibition, b) buy a plunger, c) price rucksacks and d) look out for The Naming of the Dead.
I didn't know I'd be exposed to odd sexual practices.
I also ran into a boxset:
About a year ago - or was it two? - I bought another
boxset of Du Maurier which had some classics but not, alas, "The Birds". This one does - and eight other volumes which I suspect don't overlap with those I have (damn my tagging). Now I've only read one of the original box, but for under 15 quid... I should buy this as well.
Oh, and I heard yesterday that I may soon be hearing the pitter patter of tiny feet. I will have to seriously think about this, as it will be a bit of a life style change, but I'm sure if I say yes locals will rally round as necessary. We'll see.
Edit: Never did buy the potatoes or the Beethoven set, but I did buy the Lyttleton (in Deal). And am listening to that now.