Dec 09, 2016 03:26
One thing that probably irks me the most is seeing people be so blindly obsessed with a series. As if liking a series meant you had to mindlessly accept the faults with no critique or a lack of awareness as to how it could be harmful. As if your favoritism completely washed away plot holes, failed character development; completely buried weak storylines and sexist viewpoints.
It's kind of insane how easily people love a series enough to ignore the awful aspects of it. I'm guilty of doing this same thing but I would like to think I am, recently, a more conscious fan that thinks more of a series beyond what I see as appealing.
People are totally allowed to like a series full of bad characters and even worse writing, but I wish they would also accept just loving bad things. It's not awful for you to just like bad writing, but blindly denying that the writing has faults is really irritating and unlikable.
pretentious juxy,