[scans] master post

Jan 05, 2009 21:11

I decided to make one big master post of all the scans I have because I hate seeing 3846932874 posts in my LJ especially when I log out and see a whole clutter of scans. So with that, I spent my afternoon gathering all my old download links and placed them all onto one post. Any new scans from this point on will be added to this post instead of making a whole new one.

Not all scans are zipped so you'd have to save them individually. Apologies, but I don't have most of these saved on my computer anymore. However, if anyone is willing to upload them and share it, that would be most appreciated and you will certainly be given credits :)

Update Jan 05 2009: Added a bunch of (*NEW*) scans I scanned way in the past but had it private for a while mostly because I wanted to post them along with a download link but since I making a master post, might as well put them all in one.

Rules are simple enough:
» If you're planning to take these out or use for graphics, please credit accordingly. Scans that are NOT mine are credited where I originally found them (and you can find the credits in the galleries).

Don't know how to credit or just too lazy to type it all out, not a problem. Simply copy and the following:
Scans provided by: http://drarmp1t.livejournal.com">drarmp1t

» Please DON'T hotlink. Along with not crediting appropriately, hotlinking annoys the crap out of me. Please save them onto your own computer and upload it to your own server. Imageshack or Tinypic are my personal favorite so I recommend using those.

» Comments are not necessary but very much appreciated. It definately encourages me to scan more for you all :)


Prince of Prague
Gallery | Mediafire

2007 Desktop Calendar
Gallery | Mediafire

2007 Pocket Calendar

Rising Sun Repackaged

Five in the Black (CD version)
Gallery | Mediafire

Rising Sun
Gallery | Mediafire

Gallery | Megaupload | Mediafire

All About TVXQ
Gallery | Megaupload

Arena 37° May 2007

Arena 37° April 2007 *NEW*
Gallery | Megaupload | Mediafire

S Magazine August 2007 *NEW*

Artist Photo of the Month
(July 2007 - Type A)
Gallery | Megaupload | Mediafire

Artist Photo of the Month
(July 2007 - Type B)
Gallery | Megaupload | Mediafire

“O” 正・反・合 (Ver. A) *NEW*

“O” 正・反・合 (Ver. B) *NEW*
Gallery | Mediafire

Arena 37° Special July 2007 *NEW*
Gallery | Mediafire

Pati Pati Oct. 2007
Gallery | Megaupload | Mediafire

WaWa Girl Nov. 2007
Gallery | Megaupload | Mediafire

All About TVXQ - Season 2 *NEW*
Gallery | Megaupload | Mediafire

Hiyaya *NEW*
Gallery | Megaupload
Nothing hurrrrr 8Db

Big Bang

Gallery | Megaupload | Mediafire

Hot Issue
Gallery | Megaupload | Mediafire

WaWa Girl Nov. 2007
Gallery | Megaupload | Mediafire

2008 Desk Calendar
Gallery | Megaupload | Mediafire

For The World
Gallery | Megaupload | Mediafire

2nd Live Concert CD: GREAT
Gallery | Megaupload | Mediafire

Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts

FFXII - Official Playstation Magazine Aug 2006

FFVII - Crisis Core Store Promotional Materials *NEW*

FFVII - Random Crisis Core scans

FFXII - Playstation Magazine Sept. 2006 *NEW*

FFVII - Reunion Files *NEW*
Gallery | Mediafire

FFVII - 10th Anniversary *NEW*
Gallery | Mediafire

KH2 - Gengeki Magazine Oct. 2006

KH2/FFVII - Gamaga Magazine Sept. 2006

KH - Random scans


Vaness Wu - V.Dubb
Gallery | Megaupload | Mediafire

Miyavi - MYV★POPS
Gallery | Megaupload | Mediafire

NANA - Original Soundtrack
Gallery | Megaupload | Mediafire

Rain - Rain's World
Gallery | Megaupload | Mediafire

Se7en - Se7olution
Gallery | Megaupload | Mediafire

Miyavi - Arena 37° May 2007

Wentz Eiji - Random scans *NEW*

Super Junior - WaWa Girl Nov. 2007
Gallery | Megaupload | Mediafire

Random scans

!sticky, !scans

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