
May 26, 2006 02:22

So far this summer has been busier then school ever was. The only times i find myself idle are when im either about to go to work, or just getting back. Ive motivated to get shit done, whether it be the Celica, for my bike, for my friends, for my family, or for work. Ive been getting up earlier then i ever have for summer (even though its still pretty close to noon)and ive been suprisingly money concious. I think now that i've motivated on relatively little things, im gonna to start trying to achieve some goals ive set in the past and not really turned gears on. Im going to do my absolute best to ditch that fucking Subaru. As a car lover, its an absolute embarassment. As someone who is extremely self concious about what impression he gives others, its a fucking nightmare. Id much rather be seen in a shitty truck or suv then a shitty station wagon. Then i at least look like im using it for a purpose, which i would, cause i could toss my bike in it and go. Fuck the Spewbaru.

I had a slight epiphany today whilst fondling groceries for $8.29 an hour. By being very opinonated about others: friends, acquaintences and strangers, im limiting myself vastly on interactions that may be beneficial to my progression in the world and as a person. So ive decided to take a more neutral approach to others and their own decisions. Ive always been a huge supporter of letting others do whatever the fuck they please, as long as it doesnt harm others or hinder my right to be free as well. So just becuase someone is an ass or a bitch, makes bad choices, is ugly or stupid, it doesnt mean that i cant be nice to them, and it doesnt really give me the right to verbally destroy them behind their back or to their face. Now, when it gets to the point where its killing my buzz or bothering me to have them around, then il say something, but other then that im just going to start keeping my mouth shut.

My love train hasnt set sail yet much to my dismay. Youd figure with my luck that id find someone perfect right now, then have to struggle to spend time with them because of mine and her hectic schedule (wait a minute! that happened last summer). Im beginning to wonder if im too far gone to be able to be loved or love someone myself. I dont know about it all anymore really, its tough to think about so i try and avoid it at the risk of over analyzing. But still, its nice to dream about road trips to know where and sleeping on the couch during a storm. But who knows what the summer will bring.

Play the lottery, slutbags.
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