I do the new year's resolution around Rosh Hashanah/my birthday, since it seems more logical. I'm not a big fan of making any type of life changing resolutions, since those never go well and lead to guilt and feelings of failure and I don't want to go there. So, I choose little things, like posting to my
other blog six days a week to keep my brain from falling into a rut for so long that I don't recognize what's happening.
This year, it was to quit saving anything for later and just use it. I've never been a big fan of saving good stuff and using the crappy stuff, but found I had a small stash of things like soap found on clearance and random grocery items. Not good, so I vowed to use what I have. If I need more, I'll buy more. If not, that's less clutter. I am deathly afraid of turning into one of those people from Hoarders. My apartment is a relatively small open plan apartment, so anything I have outside of the closet is visible. There are no pantries, minimal cabinets in the kitchen and no walls to hide things so the full effect is one of clutter no matter where you look.
So far, I have learned:
- I don't care how good they say whole wheat noodles are, I don't like 'em unless they are equal in amount or outnumbered by vegetables.
- Some of the kosher for Passover stuff tastes better when it's not Passover. It must be a psychological thing.
- That quinoa that I've been afraid to cook and try is really good,
- That using one of those red net things that tomatoes come in for shards of soap (tie off one end, insert soap, tie off other end) is great for scrubbing superglue from one's fingers and avoids waste of soap.
- It's nice to use the fancy bar of soap I picked up on clearance to wash my hands.
- This extended to some costume jewelery that I've picked up here and there in the past 36 years. Earrings are great, but annoying to me. Next step will be to give away all but what I inherited from my mom that I will want to hang on to.
- The Swheat Scoop cat litter I bought ages ago that I've been meaning to try. It's not bad, but if you have a kitten that loves bread, the kitten will eat the litter until Minnie gets disgusted and pees in the litter and grosses out the kitten. It's also very light weight and the cats will make it fly everywhere. It would work well in a top opening cat box, though.
As a result of doing this, I have cleared off enough space for two dozen hard bound books, which is a start.