problem fixed - sort of

May 11, 2007 17:19

Yesterday I did something very stupid at work. I was taking something apart to clean it, and I disconnected a water line incorrectly, which led to water pouring out all over the place. Including into a turbo pump. Luckily the pump was not running, but it pretty much filled all the way up with water. This happened near the end of the day, so there wasn't a lot I could do about it except mop up all the water I could, and then put the thing under a rough vacuum and try to evaporate all the water out over night.

Today I spent the entire day continuing to take the instrument apart, then cleaning it, then reassembling it. It worked on the first try, which is pretty amazing. OK, it didn't work 100%, in that an accessory seems to not be working, but I'll look at that on Monday. For now it is enough that the main instrument is working.

I am tired and sore, but given how aggravated I was yesterday, I must admit I'm feeling pretty good about myself right now. :{)} Plus, it's a great excuse to try out my new icon!
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