(no subject)

Aug 22, 2007 00:33

It's a bit bizare being this far from home, off in the middle of no where, and not at a con or anything, and getting to run into furs I know. The timing worked out well so I got to get breakfast with snowwolf42, crocuta, and bohor. They kept heading south while I wandered back north for a few more days before I start home.

Restaurants up here are definitely different. They often seem to be out of things, which isn't surprising, given that we're out in the middle of nowhere, but that doesn't bother me really.. what I like is that they have great choices of cider up here at all the places I've been so far. Normally, back in the states, if I ask for cider, I just get looked at funny. Tonight, when I asked for some, the waitress rattled off a few she knew she had, then ran off to check for the ones she couldn't remember. Also, a big guy at the next table, the type that might normally be scary in a bar, even recommended one or two good ones to try. Very cool... good thing I walked to the restaurant from my hotel room tonight.

Managed to see lots of wildlife today, and even got a few good photos of them. The lynx went by too fast, before I could get the camera out, but I managed to get shots of a herd of bison, a reindeer, caribou, a bighorn sheep, and 2 bears. The sheep didn't even care that I was there, was too interested in something at the roadside and didn't care about a car stopping nearby.

I just noticed something about the hotels up here.. the last few haven't had any bibles in the draws.. what're we gonna drop down the elevator shafts now? Oh, wait, there's no elevator either, never mind.

Time for bed for now, tomorrow it's off to Whitehorse
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