Jun 04, 2004 09:29
Maybe mine is a unique world in which I live. A world where I feel as if surrounded by doe eyed, helpless sheep. Well, not just sheep, but also the demonic plague of a person who is more likened to a bowl of sepid vomit, rather than a human being.
So there are quite a few things about this job that I detest, things that should make me take a gun to work and start clensing the gene pool of pollution more akin to a sewage treatment plant rather than a pristine pool of drinkable hydrogen and oxygen molecules.
So I have compiled a list of things that piss me off at this job, in an effort to alleviate the tension I feel.
In no particular order:
1. People who walk in saying do you have any 'bat-rees'
2. people, who wave a battery, fuse, wire, etc in front of your face silently, expecting you yip like a dog and fulfill their whims.
3. People who come in, spout out a rehearsed line such as "I need 30 dollars worth of airtime, and can you put it on for me since the other guy last time I was here did it for me." because they're too f'ing lazy to even consider learning how to do it themselves.
4. People who come into the store, and cannot stop talking about how their son went to college in California and how his wife came from overseas to have a baby and...etc -- Otherwise known as Kidnappers.
5. People who corner you with their stories, who grab all your attention despite other waiting customers with wallets in hand, who continue talking about things not even their mother would care to listen to, and will not let you go despite your best efforts to get away. -- known as Trappers
6. Intimidators - People who walk in with a chip on their shoulder who come in, saying "The phone you sold me a year ago was shit, I want it replaced for free. The other guy said he would do it at the other store so I want you to do it now" which of course is a complete lie. after being told "no" they say "Well I am going to sue you and talk to your boss if you do not do it." To which we reply "sorry you feel that way, but it's gonna happen" when in fact we're thinking "Please die you fukin waste of flesh. Stop stealng my god damn air you son of a bitch. Stop breatng, right now. I want you to die. Righ there, fall down twitchintg. I hate you. I fuking hate you. die die die die die."
7. People who demand things because they are rich/poor/black/asian/whitetrash/whatever. using their race or background as a crutch to get what they want.
8. People who act like they know what they're talking about and proceed to treat you as if you are a useless lump of matter to which they an berate at their will. However, once questioned, you find out they have no fuking clue what they are looking for, and they then get angry that you proved their ignorance and say "I know what I am doing." (example is a customer trying to find a way to bypass an RF Modulator - used to hook dvd players up to old tv's - by using adapters, when we explain that there is no possible way to do it. T hey say they have done it before (Impossible), and proceed to tell us we are wrong.
9. People who f'ing refuse to think for themselves. They sit there and use the excuse "I am illiterate when it comes to technology". Sad part is that literacy has to do with reading, or am I the idiot now? These people come into th e store, and REFUSE to fuking think for themselves, they bitch and whine and sit there and ask the same questions, over and over again, sometimes phrased differently as if I didn't understand "will this fit here?" the first sixteen god@#$med times.
10. Elderly people who stop thinking, who are bitter and angry due to one reason or another (Mostly old rich ladies or men who think the world owes them someting, when they should thank us for paying for their unneeded social security) And they insist that you are evil incarnate so you must serve them better than anyone else.
Things I like about my customers
1. Drug dealers. Man, they're the best. They're polite, have cash, don't argue a whole lot, buy a lot, etc.
2. Smiles. godDAMMIT please smile when you come in. I'm sick and tired of seeing people who look like they were just ran through a cheese grater. I'm tired of pissed off, stinking, filthy, terribly dressed people. What ever happened to people taking a weekly bath (at least oncea week, geezus) or washing your clothes. People come in here whose hair, clothes, and skin are all the same color due to the filth in which they live. YOu can pick out these people by inhaling. They are usually detected the moment they enter noseshot due to the repugnant stench which is a mix between fetid cat urine, and that stuff you scrape off of the bottom of a toilet seat, from a public restroom in a dilapidated gas station.
3. Drug dealers again. I don't know why but they seem to be the best individuals who come into my store.
4. Certain elderly people. Usually WWII veterans. They are the coolest people who come in, knowing what life is and that it's worth living to it's fullest, and to make others' lifes so much better. They're awesome.