Quiz Winners for May!

May 27, 2009 10:54

The quizzes have been graded, and I'm here to hand back out your papers, give you the answers, and announce the winners! Thanks to all who played this month!

The answers are:

1. Chosen's Trial by Gravidy
2. Gravity by floorcoaster
3. A Regret to Belong by AnneM.Oliver
4. Black & Blue by Pokeystar
5. Heaven Forbid by empathapathique
6. Just Communication by Hanako A
7. What If You Could Have Wished Me Away by Crookshanks.x
8. Longing Fulfilled by Dynonugget
9. Alexander Malfoy by grednforge117
10. Japanese Blossoms by inadaze22
11. Jokul Frosti by somandalicious

Well, because I lost my mind and scheduled this quiz on a holiday weekend, we had only one winner. And that person was...daiangelling! Well done! And here is your banner! Feel free to brag to everyone!

Congrats again! Well done!

Until next month!

banners - winners

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