May Dramione Quiz: In which we pimp the Dramione Awards

May 22, 2009 16:39

Welcome to the May edition of Dramione Quiz. This month, the dramione_awards are gearing up and we mods decided that this would be the perfect time to help them out. With that being said, all the stories in this month’s quiz-and any others completed in 2008-can be nominated for round 5 of the Dramione Awards. Also, these stories-and, again, others completed in 2008-can be found at dhr_archive!

Before we get on to the quiz, we have decided to-for this month, as a trial-to up the time limit by twenty-four hours. So, instead of having one day to complete the quiz, you now have two. We’re just going to test this out for this month, and if it works, we will change the rules to reflect this change.

Now, on to the quiz. Go grab something quick to snack on and good luck!

Here is a list of all the stories being used in this month’s quiz. Keep in mind that all of these will be used ONCE in either the matching section or the multiple choice section.

1. What If You Could Have Wished Me Away by Crookshanks.x
2. A Regret to Belong by AnneM.Oliver
3. Alexander Malfoy by grednforge117
4. Chosen's Trial by Gravidy
5. Jokul Frosti by somandalicious
6. Just Communication by Hanako A
7. Gravity by floorcoaster
8. Black & Blue by Pokeystar
9. Heaven Forbid by empathapathique
10. Japanese Blossoms by inadaze22
11. Longing Fulfilled by Dynonugget

Matching section: Please match the following six passages to their title and author



A pale hand touched his face with cool fingers, brushed his cheek, traced his lips. “You’re a very handsome man.” Her voice was smooth and lilting.

Draco’s eyes snapped to hers, lips parting in shock. She smiled at him and he almost reeled back in horror. Her eyes were roiling with darkness and not a trace of the lucidity that colored her voice. Rage and insanity stared back at him. He tried to speak but his throat cinched tight.

“I feel like I know you.” She continued thoughtfully. “I feel like I hate you.”

He jerked back with a pained cry as her fingernails raked down the side of his face leaving bloody trails. Somewhere to his right, Dobby gave a sobbing moan. Draco didn’t dare look.

“But you’ve been so nice to me.” The girl whispered, stalking slowly towards him. “I thought about killing you but the others didn’t want me to. And you’ve been nice, so I won’t.”


“Yes, you have,” said Harry, matter-of-factly. “I mean, we’re around Hermione a lot. We know, you know. She talks about you all the time, about what you two do.”

“Yeah, like you took her to a Quidditch game. Quidditch! Hermione! It’s almost laughable, but she talks about it like it was the best thing in the world,” supplied Ron.

“And she took you to the airport, and you both spent the entire day flying back and forth between London and Belfast,” said Harry.

“And then you took her to see some Muggle shows. What was it Harry? Opla? Ballbet?”

“Opera,” corrected Draco absently. “And ballet.”

“And what about the time she took you to a football game? A Muggle sport! She said you liked it!”

“Or when you took her to some Muggle ball for your business?”

“That was required. I had to take someone, and she was the most obvious choice,” Draco said, getting annoyed but also panicky. Had they really done all those things? How had he missed that? Was he really getting attached to her? He didn’t think he wanted to; in fact, he was quite sure the last time he’d thought about it, he refused to think about it. But when was that? He couldn’t even remember the last time he refused to think about her. And when did all this start?

With the paint, came the voice in his head.


He couldn’t breathe. He knew people often said they had trouble breathing, but he really couldn’t breathe. He rolled down the window, the warm evening air hit his face, and he still could not breathe. He opened the car door, and put his feet on the roadside. He turned back to look at her once, and then stepped out of the car and shut the door. He paced back and forth outside the car. He was speechless.

He looked back again, and in the dark, he could see that she was watching him, waiting and wondering what he was going to do next. He had no idea what he was going to do. He felt oddly conflicted, and he wasn’t sure why. On one hand, he wanted her to confess that she still loved him, but the ‘him’ from the letters. On the other hand, he wanted her to fall for him, and he for she, as Draco and Hermione. Yes, he had mixed feelings, because he was jealous of himself!

She opened her car door and said, “I can tell that I’ve made you uncomfortable. I know you told me that you still loved the woman you left, so I understand if you can’t reciprocate my feelings. I’m not even completely sure at this point what my feelings are.”


The loud bang echoed down the long hallway, as Draco spun around to confront Kitty. The house-elf was strangely calm on the surface, but Draco could almost feel the force of the anger bubbling underneath.

“You is gone away. You is not for here. You is not Master anymore.”

“If I am not Master, Kitty, then who is?” He strived for a neutral tone.

“You is gone away. Kitty obeyed. You is not Master here anymore.”

“What do you mean by obeyed, Kitty? Obeyed who?”

“The Master.” She flicked her appendages toward him again and he vanished, still struggling to understand.


“I told you those Muggle methods weren’t safe.”

“Yes,” she conceded, “but what was I supposed to do, Draco? The potions were making me sick.”

He shook his head, dissatisfied with her excuses and the turmoil she brought into his life. “There were other ways.”

“They weren’t as effective. The ring is 99.9%-”

“What the hell does that matter now, Granger?” he snapped.

“It doesn’t,” she said. “It doesn’t matter at all.” She looked at him, eyes wide and afraid and full of tears. “I’m pregnant.” She began to cry again.

He closed his eyes and sighed. “I’m sorry,” he said. He couldn’t stand her tears, and he tentatively took one of her hands in his. He wondered if this was okay. “Please don’t cry.”

“What am I supposed to do?” she said. “I’m pregnant. What am I going to do?”

“It isn’t as if you’ve done this all by yourself, Granger.” He squeezed her hand reassuringly.

She didn’t appreciate the gesture. She snatched her hand away from him and glared at him fiercely. “It’s my body, Draco. It isn’t as if you’ve something living and growing inside your womb.”


“But Hermione! I told you that I’ve not been able to keep a secret from my mother since I was three. I thought you knew that they knew, and that you wanted to…”

“Keep us a secret from Harry and Ron.” Hermione smiled sadly. “And to think that we pride ourselves on being clever.”

Draco sank down beside her, throwing his arm over her shoulders. “Merlin! What fools we mortals be!”

“My thoughts exactly, my love.” She rested her head against him. “So what should we do now?”

“So Potter and Weasley both know?”

“My parents, too. And I take it both your roommates know as well? Neither of them looked terribly surprised to see me.”

“Yeah, they’ve known about us right from the start.” He frowned. “How did you find out that my parents knew about us?”

“Your mother paid me a visit today and practically ordered me to eat lunch with you and your family on Saturday.”


“And what?”

“Will you do that? Have lunch with all of us?”

There was a brief pause. “Yes. I will. That’s the next logical step, I suppose.”

Multiple Choice: Which stories do the following short passage come from?

1. Eventually, she got the folding of the napkins and he smiled quickly at her before he yelled out for Ginny to put the silver under the white and then the other white on top of the silver again.

“You really have an air for this,” she commented, as she continued folding, and refolded the ones she had already done. “You could organise our wedding.”

She suddenly saw his eyebrows shooting so high up that they disappeared under his fringe. “Our wedding?”

“I didn’t say that,” she muttered in a horrified tone, realising she had said just that, and wondered why on earth she had.

Is it from…
A. Black & Blue by Pokeystar
B. What If You Could Have Wished Me Away by Crookshanks.x
C. Gravity by floorcoaster

2. “Ron also no longer has a daughter. He had every right to be angry.”

“I thought you were Switzerland on this?”

“I'm trying to do what's best for Rose and Hugo. Rose may not be related to me any more, but I still love her. Ron feels the same way.”

“Yet I would never keep him from her. Too bad he didn't extend me that same kindness,” Hermione said acidly. “Now if it's alright, I'd like to take a shower.”

Ginny only nodded. No matter what she said or did, it never seemed right.

Well, maybe that would change once Hermione's test came back the way Ginny and her mother so desperately hoped for.

Is it from…
A. Longing Fulfilled by dynonugget
B. Japanese Blossoms by inadaze22
C. Heaven Forbid by Empathapathique

3. “Umm, hello,” she greeted, uncomfortable and unsure how to respond to the bowing creature. She had long abandoned S.P.E.W., but she was still fervently opposed to enslaving elves.

The elf looked up shocked, then looked down at its feet again, with its arms extended.

Confused, Hermione waited for him, as she discovered when he looked up, to say something. When he didn’t move, she asked, “What am I supposed to do?”

“Your cloak Miss,” the elf responded without looking up. “And would Miss like any beverages or sustenance?”

Trust Malfoy to find a house-elf with a vocabulary rivaling that of his own, she thought amusedly.

Is it from…
A. A Regret To Belong by AnneM.Oliver
B. Black & Blue by Pokeystar
C. Alexander Malfoy by Grednforge117

4. He rolled his eyes, “What the hell makes you think we get more than one lifetime?”

“No reason,” Hermione smiled and it was enough for the last bit of anger to evaporate, “But we have time to decide, right?”

Of course, he gave her a smug answer, “Yeah, until you or I decide it’s time to slam another door.”

“I thought we said that we’ve slammed enough doors.”

He said nothing.

She squeezed him a little and he hugged her back, “I am sorry, you know,” Hermione whispered.

“I am, too.”

Is it from…
A. Japanese Blossoms by Inadaze22
B. Jokul Frosti by somandalicious
C. Just Communication by Hanako A

5. “Besides Draco, a baby brother takes a long time to make, and sometimes, regretfully, you get a baby sister instead.”

No, that would not do at all. He was impatient and girls were ridiculous creatures. Like Pansy. Wearing dresses and crying when they scraped their knees or got dirt on their nose. And Pansy screamed at the sight of worms and would not be convinced of the tastiness of a mudpie.

“I don’t want a baby sister. Girls are gross,” he stated simply, but he then saw sadness darken Narcissa’s face and mistakenly thought he hurt her feelings. “Except for you, Mum, you are nice and smell good. I like having you around.”

He took her hand in his because he liked holding her hand best of all things.

“I’m glad darling, because I like having you around also.” And she placed a loving kiss on his forehead.

Is it from…
A. Jokul Frosti by somandalicious
B. Japanese Blossoms by Inadaze22
C. Chosen's Trial by Gravidy

Quick rules:

1. Keep in mind that all the stories will only be used once in the quiz.
2. Please leave your answers in a comment. All comments are screened.
3. Please list the title of the story and not the number in your answers for the matching. For the multiple choice, letters are perfectly fine.
4. If anyone has any questions, comments, or complaints, please PM me asap!
5. Have fun!

Quizzes are due in at 11:59PM on Sunday, May 24th, 2009.

Note: If you see something you like, please feel free to nominate it for a Dramione award! If you don't, still check out the dhr_archive, hunt down that story you liked, click HERE, and drop off any nominations :)

DQ Mods, out.


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