Title: Sun
elyaeruRating: K
Word Count: 160
Notes/Warning: I've just found this in my folder. I'm not entirely sure which way it was heading!
But, if you can, imagine a somehow secret love-child of an unfortunately married woman, and a single father.
‘The sun’s just a great big large of fire!’ said an enthusiastic small girl. Her eyes were gleaming with delight as her curly brown hair bounced on her shoulders. Reaching out with her arms, her father bent down on one knee and placed his large hands on her waist and picked her up.
‘Is that so?’ he said, smiling. Her tiny arms made their way around his neck.
‘Yes,’ she confirmed with an affirmative nod of her head. ‘Mrs Granger says that it’s also a star.’
‘Do you not believe her?’ asked the blond man.
‘Well, I guess I have to because she’s a teacher,’ she said disdainfully, throwing her nose up into the air. ‘But stars twinkle.’
‘Stars twinkle,’ Draco repeated.
‘Yes! The sun doesn’t twinkle. It hurts my eyes when …’
‘Kara, you haven’t been looking at the sun, have you?’
‘Well, I had to. I was trying to see if it twinkled.’