Valentine's Challenge Prompt 5: Secret Valentines

Feb 05, 2012 18:35

Title: Secret Valentines
Author: a_frozen_second
Rating: G
Word Count: 100!
Notes/Warnings: Valentine's Day Challenge Prompt 5: Pink / Kitten / Pensieve

When Draco irreversibly charmed her kitten pink, Hermione let it go.

When Draco lent her Pensieve to Theodore without asking, returning it broken, Hermione let it go.

But this was unforgivable.

"Millicent is going to be your Valentine?"

"She's lonely, Hermione."

"I'm your girlfriend! Ergo, I'm your Valentine!"

"Secret girlfriend. Ergo, secret Valentine."

Hermione saw red. Trust him to pull something like this, especially on their first Valentine's Day together. But he had a point; despite his wishes, Hermione insisted they tell no one about their relationship.

"You win. Tell everyone we're together. As long as I'm your Valentine."

100, a_frozen_second, valentine2012

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