Title: His Way
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Notes/Warning: AU. Originally written for
dmhgchallenge Month Ten. The prompt was ‘luck’.
‘I’ll make you the luckiest person in the world.’
She snorted sceptically at his cheesy line. ‘How?’
‘I have my way,’ was his smooth reply.
‘A four-leaf clover?’ she asked with a faint smile. ‘I thought you didn’t believe in such things.’
Then more quietly, she added, ‘But I suppose you’ve kept your promise...’ She paused, as though waiting for his response, but it didn’t come.
‘Thank you,’ she choked out at last, the greenish image of the plant blurring before her tear-filled eyes. She bent down, gingerly picking up the gift - a single clover growing on his freshly-dug grave.