Title: Treacherous Heart
kalina_blueRating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Notes/Warning: Post-DH, EWE
Written for the very first challenge at
dmhg_challenge. The prompt was: A Beginning. I didn’t place, but considering that I completely forgot I had signed up for this and ended up writing my drabble mere hours before the deadline that’s quite alright. Hope you guys enjoy anyway.
How did it all begin?
Hermione wished she knew. Maybe she’d have been able to stop it had she recognized earlier what was happening. Maybe there’d have been time to join a monastery, become a lesbian, or at the very least she could have poisoned herself with Amortentia, making herself love Dennis Creevey, Oliver Wood or Hagrid. Even becoming Mrs. Cornelius Fudge would have been a better alternative.
But no, her heart did not send preliminary warnings towards her brain. Her treacherous heart decided to fall for the unlikeliest person of all.
And now, Merlin forbid, she found ferrets endearing.