Title: The Precipice
drcjsniderRating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Notes/Warning: Okay - this is a little late. Written for Day 7 of the Valentine’s Challenge, Prompt 6: I realized that I had forgotten to... kiss you goodbye, do you mind?
Draco stood alone outside the Burrow. Hermione had asked him to dinner with the Weasleys, but he’d refused. They were Ron’s family and he couldn’t imagine them ever accepting their son’s widow dating a Malfoy. His rejection of Hermione’s invitation left him feeling like a coward. Determined to do better, he followed her. Now he stood on the precipice of something important.
He knocked.
Hermione opened it. She looked confused, yet hopeful. “Draco?”
“I realized that I had forgotten to kiss you goodbye, do you mind?”
She smiled. “Come in and kiss me hello instead.”
He nodded and walked inside.