Title: True Bravery
drcjsniderRating: PG-13
Word Count: 415
Notes/Warning: Written for the ‘I Want the Fairy Tale’ Valentine's Drabble Challenge Day #1, Prompt #1: “You don't know me, but I know me.” - The Notebook.
“It would never work.”
“You’re such a coward.”
“Bugger off, Malfoy. I was in Gryffindor. I stood up to Rita Skeeter, Umbridge, and Scrimgeour. Hell, I faced Voldemort. Don’t you dare call me a coward.”
“Well what should I call it when you refused to go out on a date with me out of fear of what your friends and family would say?”
“That’s not true!” Hermione sputtered, even though she was concerned about what Harry and the Weasley’s would think. Ron had been dead for three years and although everyone had urged her to move on, she was certain they did not have Draco Malfoy in mind as her next romantic partner. Still that wasn’t her biggest fear. “It wouldn’t work between us because I am a thoughtful, considerate, and caring individual, while you are an arse.”
“If you can’t admit the truth to me, Granger, at least admit it to yourself.”
Hermione wanted to righteously proclaim that she was telling the truth and that Draco would know that if he wasn’t such a selfish idiot, but for once in his miserable life he was right. “Look, maybe I am a little worried. But, I have a good reason to be. I haven’t been with anyone since Ron. I don’t have any experience with casual relationships. Moreover, I sort of, only on the days that I’m not feeling exactly clearheaded, fancy you. I don’t want to get hurt, but since your middle name is Draco ‘love them and leave them’ Malfoy, that seems destined to happen. Therefore, to protect myself I am not going to date you.”
“Granger, you don’t know what I am capable of, but I know me. I am capable of being faithful, I’m capable of long-term, and I am capable of sticking through the hard times. If I haven’t shown any steadiness in my romantic involvements before this, it is only because I’ve been waiting for you.”
“Waiting for me?” Hermione looked gobsmacked.
Draco smiled. “As much as I value your friendship, I haven’t been meeting with you on Wednesdays for tea for the last year and half solely to discuss the progress of House Elf legislation.”
Her mouth felt suddenly dry. “You’ve seriously been waiting for me?”
Draco’s eyebrows rose slightly, but he just nodded.
A tight knot of fear that had been inside of Hermione since Ron’s passing broke apart. Maybe it was possible to fall desperately in love and have that feel reciprocated twice in one lifetime.