Title: The Wrath is Gone
strawberrimelonRating: PG-13 (ish)
Word Count: 788
Summary: A little boy can even understand…wrath.
“So, students, what is the moral lesson we’ve all learned today?”
Only one hand was raised in the air.
“Yes, Mr. Malfoy.”
“Well, I think that…the mean old guy…V-Voldemort was angry. And I think I learned that he was feeling this thing called wrath that makes you do crazy stuff, like killing lots of people. It makes you bad.”
“Well done, Mr. Malfoy.” *DINGGGG* “Okay, class dismissed.”
Little Zack walked out of Miss Ginny’s nursery school class, tiny book bag and all, and found his father waiting for him at the door. With a huge smile plastered on his face, Zack ran into his father’s outstretched arms.
“Daddy!” he yelled as he was gathered in his father’s muscular form.
“Zacky, how was school today?” Draco Malfoy, father of Zack, loved his son more than anything. The little boy’s hazel eyes were the only feature that made him different from Draco himself.
“School was great daddy. Miss Ginny kept calling me Mr. Malfoy. I kept reminding her that my name is Zack, but all she said was ‘I know, Zack,’ and she’d go back to calling me Mr. Malfoy…But that’s what people call you!” Zack ended his statement with a look of exhilaration etched across his little face, with big eyes searching Draco for a reply.
“That’s great Zack, but I told you. As you grow older, people keep referring to you as ‘Malfoy’ because it’s your surname, the word that comes after ‘Zack’.”
“Oh…okay,” he said, looking up at his father again. “Where’s mummy?”
“Mummy’s at home today. She is currently in the kitchen cooking up your favorite meal, lasagna,” Draco replied, looking into his son’s eyes which were filled with anticipation and simply, hunger.
“Mmmmm…mummy’s the bestest cooker in the world!”
An hour later….after Dinner…
“Well, dear,” Hermione began after sitting on the couch with her son and husband. “Daddy tells me that you learned about some old mean guy at school. Would you care to elaborate Zack?”
“Oh yah.” Zack crossed his legs and was prepared to talk for a very very long time. “There was this old ugly mean guy named Volde-something--”
“Voldemort, dear.”
“Yah, him,” Zack continued, not at all flustered at the interruption. “And then, even though he wasn’t a pureblood person, he kept killing everyone but pureblood peoples. And then, Uncle Harry came and saved the day, even though it took him 17 years or something….
“Then, Aunt Ginny,” as Zack was so used to calling his mother’s best friend, “told us that her, Uncle Ron, you, and Daddy all helped Uncle Harry and the old guy went bye bye…forever!” Zack ended with a look of triumph.
“Ooh, very good Zack. I’m glad you remembered what you did in school today. Now, why don’t you head on up to bed?” Hermione, the ever so punctual mother, ushered her son up the grand staircase of Malfoy Manor and sat back on the luxurious couch, snuggling closer to her husband.
“You know,” Draco started, “I’m glad Ginny taught the kids about wrath. It’s beneficial for kids to know about the history of evil, what it’s already done to us and what it could’ve done. It feels weird being known as a hero type-of-person to your own son, but it feels weirder when the whole world thinks you’re a hero, doesn’t it?”
“Yah,” Hermione replied, “I guess you’re right. But I’m so glad I’m known for destroying the evil that could have prevented us from ever having a family.”
“Hermione,” Draco shifted her and lifted her head so that he could look at her better, “I don’t care if the whole world didn’t want us to be together. I would fight everyone and stand right where you want me to. Right here.” He caressed her cheek and smiled tenderly at his wife. “However, it does make life easier to see that assaulting murdering piece of shit gone from our lives.”
Hermione giggled aloud. “‘Piece of shit’? How about…evil disturbed creature that was filled with more wrath than air?” she suggested.
“Sure, whatever,” Draco replied, not bothered at the least with his wife’s choice of words. “All I’m caring about right now is the lack of wrath in our marriage. That means we are selfless and we care about the other person’s feeling.” Draco was inching his hand lower and lower as he talked. “And that also means,” he said, lying Hermione down on her back, “that we fulfill each other’s needs and wants…”
Hermione smiled in understanding. “And how about when the need or want is mutual?”
Draco smirked. “Well, the better it gets for us, now doesn’t it?”