My life at school!

Aug 29, 2006 15:31

Here we go... for those of you who care about what's going on in my life...

Yes, everything is going fine. About the bus, I normally ride it home, because my classes are all east of me, but the busses run southeast and they normally take me too far, or I can walk in less time. I finally got lost though. Go me! I turned a wrong way and had to improv a new path--which I discovered already existed, lol. Right through a field. I still got to class with ten minutes. :-D

Classes are great. I'm enjoying my journalism course that I have with the girl who knows Brittany--Kaitlyn is her name--and her friend Chad who I actually just saw and talked to on the bus. Kaitlyn's roommate is Kelly, and I have that Bio lab at 7-8 50 with her, so I won't be alone. We live in the same place so we can walk together. I get along with her as well. My journalism class has about 250 students.

French is cool. We have a CD that I can listen to before class to try and perfect my pronunciation before someone has to teach me, and it makes me look smart. :-) There is also a language lab across the street from the classroom, but I don't know if I'll be using it. I have the CD and the answer book so I don't think I'll need to. Also, the class only has about 30 kids and the Professor lived in France until 8 years ago. So she's fluent in both English and French. I can understand her perfectly, and I love her accent, so you can bet I'm listening. I signed up for this workshop that is every tuesday. I figure it will help me learn, and I can get 30 points extra credit for going.

My IAH Professor is a riot! She seems like she'll be fun to learn from. We have to read a 300 page novel every week, so I'm going to have to get started on that--and yes, I already put the dates where that is all due into my planner. That class has about 250 students.

Let's see... my bio class will probably be remarkably easy, though I don't want to judge to early. He's my only male professor and he's not even a professor! He's a doctor with some experiance in teaching, but never a class with 250 students. Oh well... he seems fine. He's young and that's good because he's not going deaf.

I'm not sure what else there is to say, but yes, I'm enjoying myself. I went to totally take out this morning and that was cool... Speaking of which, I need to check the fridge for a freezer... I wanted Hot Pockets, but can those stay in jst a fridge? My fridge doesn't have a freezer (I just checked).

I love you, and I'll see you soon.


PS I suppose I'll tell you what groups I signed up for. I don't know if I'm going to do all of them, but I asked for more information. Here they are:
Red Cross Club
Michigan State Food Bank
BRIGHT (Brody Residents In Great Harmony Together)--it's a Lesbian, Gay, Straight group that seems to be sort of cool. I know I'll catch crap for that from Les, but I wanted to sign up. So NAH! :-P
Dance Club--I signed up for this before I realized you had to pay. *tear* Oh well, I wouldn't have time.

I know there were more, but I can't think of them...

And one more thing for all of you who leave your cell phones on.

Turn off even vibrate.
Do not text message.
Why are we saying this?
Because we are draconian.
And Evil.

Sorry, that just made me laugh. My IAH professor had that on the board. It was amusing.
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