Round 1: Challenge #7: Tie-Breaker

Jun 28, 2008 09:04

Well, I didn't have any precautions in place in case of a tie, and we've got a 3-way tie! Two of the drabbles had the exact same votes. SO, we're going to do a run-off, where you'll vote only for your MOST FAVORITE drabble.

The poll will run for 24 hours.


Title: Workaholic
Rating: R
Word Count: 461

Draco smoothed the heavyweight parchment over his desk and tapped the end of his always-inked quill against his lips. Hmmm… what to attend to first? The company-wide memo regarding the third quarter profit share bonuses or the purchase order of Muggle stock? Malfoy International was quite financially healthy these days, due to diversification in its investments. His clever curly haired wife had almost a Seer’s sense of what Muggle companies would perform well. He had quickly learned to always listen to Hermione’s market advice.

He scratched out the memo detailing the bonus distribution, repressing a sigh when his desk wobbled a bit, almost causing a blot instead of a comma above his signature. He ran his hands firmly down the front supports and pushed the leg a little wider, steadying the surface. Really. He didn’t know how it jostled out of alignment so easily.

Now for the stock order… They were targeting the American market today. 10,000 shares of Starbuck’s, 5,000 shares of Wal-Mart, 10,000 shares of… What had Hermione recommended again? He leaned back against the pillows of their immense bed and gazed unseeingly at the lap desk straddling his legs. Unfortunately, he had left his notes at the corporate office. He sighed. The drawback of working from home.

He focused on the desk hopefully, trying to jog his memory as he caressed its supple surface. The stock recommendation was directly linked to his wife… The desk wobbled again and a thin strip of dark red bobbed into his view as the partially completed parchment slipped sideways off its top. He smirked and ran the plume of his quill down the red fabric. Hermione moaned as he slipped a finger under the scrap of fiery lace. Her eyes met his when he tugged upwards on it gently to garner her attention.

She saw the query in his eyes and said huskily, “It’s a thong. From Victoria’s Secret.”

He caught the stock order before it could drift off her back completely, and hastily wrote out the final request, pressing firmly on his wife’s derriere with his other hand to keep her still. Then he tossed the rolled parchment and quill to the side, as he drew his wife up over him, nestling her in his lap. He sucked a taunt nipple between his lips and snuck two fingers under the scrap of red. The woman had no shame. It was like waving a cape at a bull. She squealed when he brushed a fingertip against her clit and he chuckled a bit.

“What’s so funny?” she managed to gasp.

“Yesterday, Zabini called me a workaholic.”

He stared down at her, transfixed, as she giggled, causing his favorite bits to jiggle in a pleasurable manner.

“He did get the aholic part right.”


Title: Delicate Research
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 495

“So, tell me why you’re here again... in my home…”

“I believe we’ve gone over this nineteen times all ready, Malfoy.”

“I like even numbers. Tell me again.”

“Research… for work. I’m writing another book.”

“I fail to see how this involves you being in my home. Naked, I might add.”

“Theories, Malfoy, theories!”

“Still failing to see the connection.”

“My little scholarly group is interested in why people are so uncomfortable with bare flesh. You know some people believe this fascination with keeping the body covered goes back to the days of Adam and Eve in the Garden of-“

“Who the hell are Adam and Eve?”

“Muggle religious figures.”

“Ah. It all makes sense now.”

“It does?”

“Yes, I’ve seen your evangelists… or whatever you call them. Those crazy people who preach on the street corners from time to time in Muggle London.”

“I don’t understand why you felt the need to interrupt me to share this piece of information.”

“Easy, connecting you to them means you’re crazy, too. Only reason I can logically explain your naked presence in my house. Either that or I’ve had far too much to drink again and am having another one of my elaborate fantasies… except in those you usually don’t carry a clipboard and make a big fuss about ‘work’.”

“Great. I think we’re getting somewhere.”

“Oh, bloody hell, you’re serious, aren’t you? You even wrote that down!”

“It’s for my research-“

“Yes, yes, I know. You could also go to a nudist colony and do exactly the same thing. In fact, you might even blend in better there.”

“No, no, no. It has to be in regular society… at least for now. And of all the candidates listed for further research, you were a perfect fit to what my scholarly circle was looking for.”

“And you just decided to waltz right over here in the nude.”

“Well no.”


“It took a lot of careful plotting.”

“Excuse me?”

“Well, yes. Everything had to be planned out exactly so. Research is really a delicate procedure.”

“… I’ll say.”

“’Subject finds sexual connotations in simple words when looking at bare flesh.’”

“… “


“I cannot believe you just wrote that.”

“It’s for my-“

“Research. Heard you the first time, Granger. And just to be clear here… are you saying you had to come up with a plan of action to seduce me?”

“If you want to call it that.”

“Well, what do you call it?”

“Finding the best way to approach the subject.”



“So how much more research for work do you need to do?”

“Well, it would help if you showed me to your bedroom. Knowing the intimacies of the subject is very important to this project.”

“That can be arranged. Follow me. Oh, and I do have an idea for what we can do after you’ve ‘perused’ my bedroom.”


“I think you’ll find it’s a rather ‘delicate procedure’.”



Title: A New Positive
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 498

It was Monday morning and Hermione Granger reluctantly dragged herself out of bed. It was a common misconception that she was always punctual and perfectly put together-a paradigm of efficiency and grace. She was highly motivated at the office (even though physically working there was not necessary for her) but contrary to popular belief, the real Hermione was both a chronic loaf-about. Working from home was not an option. Her motivation was nothing compared to the lure of cozy temptations like tea and books. But with Gryffindor determination, she headed to work reminding herself of the positives aspects of office run-ins with Draco Malfoy.

Speaking of.....

It was Monday morning and Draco Malfoy reluctantly dragged himself out of bed. It was a common misconception that he was always ruthless and self-serving-the model of executive success. He was diligent and resourceful at the office, except when wasting time tormenting Granger, and contrary to popular belief (or maybe not) he was a glutton for punishment. Working from home was not an option...because Hermione Granger ALWAYS worked at the office. He needed to see her and tease her in the lift-what were the comforts of home compared to that? So with Slytherin intentions, he headed to work reminding himself of the positive aspects of office life... Hermione Granger in bossy-know-it-all pencil skirts.

He (discreetly) stared at her as she poured some coffee. He meant to ambush her in the break room with a snide remark but got caught in a sexy tractor beam and ended up gaping. He suddenly wished he hadn’t been such a prat in school... or last Thursday. But sarcastic banter was their thing... he couldn’t just stop, it would be like kicking a puppy. Thinking about it made him nervous.

“Are you going to Stubbins’ Retirement Cocktail tonite?” she blurted.

He coughed. “Yes. You?”.

“Yes”. Crickets chirped. “So...see you there?”


He walked away and Hermione finally realized she hated coffee and that Draco Malfoy just said the word ‘yup’? Tonight would be interesting....

...After the fourth round of cocktails...

“So you’re saying you’ve been dragging your arse to the office everyday just to see me?” she drawled.

“Yes. And all this time it’s been like some pathetic version of ‘The Gift of the Magi’.” He also drawled.

...After the sixth round...

“I have a library perfect for working at home and a collection of tea that Merlin would envy... I give it all up for you, your pencil skirts.... and your sexy tractor beam” he slurred.

“Huh?” she said wondering how they moved from skirts to tractor beams. Perhaps she missed a portion of the conversation in an alcohol induced haze.

She scrunched her nose to try to figure it out. Then he kissed her.

...The next morning in Hermione’s flat...

“Hmmmm” she yawned “office parties are a new positive... but I think we should work from home more often. You?”

Satisfied with having the best of both worlds he said, “Yyyyyyup!”.


Remember, please vote with the NUMBER of the drabble, NOT the name.

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