Round 7, Challenge #5: Grand Finale Results

Jun 05, 2010 16:56


Round Seven, Challenge #5 The Grand Finale!

The rumble Round is over at dramione_ldws - The balloons are wilting and the cake is half-eaten. Whose prezzie pleased Draco best this week & overall...

Our winner (for drabble one) with the party crowd is ...


Your Love Letter was awesome - Draco's voice is pitch perfect.

Our mod's choice (for drabble one) is...


Vacation Planning made all us mods go "aaawwwwwwwwww!" As in "awesome job!"

Our winner (for drabble two) with the party crowd is ...


Come Away from the Window really struck a chord with our readers - excellent writing!

Our mod's choice (for drabble two) is...


We couldn't resist a piece that summed up the round so neatly - in a superbly written Gift!

But the thing Draco loves best about rumbles? No eliminations! Yay!

The other thing Draco loves BEST about rumbles? Announcing the WINNERS of the Round!

In third place with 25 points,


Coming in second with 28 points,


and the winner of our special Round Seven "6-5-30" Invitational is...

terrayn with 30 points! (How weird is that?!)

The other OTHER thing Draco loves BEST about rumbles? Announcing the WINNERS of the Predictor's Poll!

cyyt was the only reader who predicted our top three correctly (though, um, not in that particular order)

Honorable mentions:

kalina_blue & feuerfunke predicted terrayn would place first

delayed_poet, little_dollface, atalanta84 & cyyt predicted floorcoaster would place second.

Last but not least,

inadaze22 predicted bookishwench would place third.


Hawthorn & Vine, new archive home for dramione fic goodness has a category for dramione_ldws!

I highly encourage each and every one of you to post your drabbles there - either separately or under a collective title. Your work deserves a wider audience. And now that the voting is over, you are free to post it wherever you'd like.

Perhaps you might throw in a shout out to our little comm?

Finally, here are the voting tallies:

Challenge 5-1

ayane_tsurugi mf: 3 lf: 2 bookishwench mf: 4 lf: 1
floorcoaster mf: 0 lf: 0 ilkee mf: 1 lf: 3
midnight_birth mf: 1 lf: 8 terrayn mf: 7 lf: 2

Challenge 5-2

ayane_tsurugi mf: 3 lf: 10 bookishwench mf: 2 lf: 2
floorcoaster mf: 3 lf: 1 ilkee mf: 7 lf: 3
midnight_birth mf: 2 lf: 3 terrayn mf: 2 lf: 0

Entire Round

ayane_tsurugi 10 points bookishwench 25 points
floorcoaster 28 points ilkee 17 points
midnight_birth 4 points terrayn 30 points

**Point totals reflect mod poll outcome - they were tabulated without MF votes.**

Writers who wish to receive feedback, please comment and pokeystar will pm you on Monday or so.

Thank you all for coming - please stay, chat - help clean up and finish that cake.

We'd like to add an additional thanks to all you readers, voters and pimpers out there - we couldn't do this without you!

Next Round sign ups begin in mid-August!

round 7, results

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