Your Friendly Reminder

May 04, 2010 15:01

Attention Most Excellent Drabble Writers:

HOURS to post your gifts!

Get to WRAPPING WRITING NOW! Nobody likes to see Draco pout when he's missing a prezzie!

P.S. The mods decided to add something to the points chart, to make things a little more exciting:

Points Chart

Turning in drabble: 1 point
Turning in drabble first: 2 points
Each MF vote: 1 point
Mod's choice: 3 points
Most favorite runner up: 4 points
Winner: 5 points

We feel by awarding a point for each MF vote, we'll keep more of you in the running.

The person who wins the MF vote, isn't always the person with the most MF votes. :-)

reminder, round 7

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