Round 6 Challenge 3: Results

Mar 06, 2010 10:28

It's dessert time for Round Six, Challenge Three

Welcome to the weekly dessert party at Bistro dramione_ldws - The bar is open and the buffet is to die for! I know you're all anxious to see the results, so without further ado...

For the category of Most Favorite drabble this week, the banner goes to...


For the category of Moderator's Choice drabble this week, the banner goes to...


We all agree, it seems, that "A Taste of Freedom" is a superb drabble. Beautifully in character, deftly written with a quiet depth that satisfies beyond the requirements; a work of art, indeed.

Finally, it is with a great deal of sadness that I must bid farewell to this week's "leftovers"

spadul. :-(

You're a fantastic writer, spadul - we wish you luck, and we hope you stick around to read, vote and sign up for future rounds.

And queen_violet. :-(

It was quite gutsy of you to write a shorter word count. Unfortunately, that gamble didn't pay off. We hope that you stick around-great writers are a really good thing!


Hawthorn & Vine, new archive home for dramione fic goodness has a category for dramione_ldws!

I highly encourage each and every one of you to post your drabbles there - either separately or under a collective title. Your work deserves a wider audience. And now that the voting is over, you are free to post it wherever you'd like.

Perhaps you might throw in a shout out to our little comm?

Finally, here are the voting tallies.

spadul dropped alexajohnson skipped
dracodew17 mf: 5 lf: 2 hathorx skipped
ayane_tsurugi skipped terrayn mf: 2 lf: 3
queen_violet pm pokey for results bookishwench skipped
vox_rowan mf: 14 lf: 2 open_atclose mf: 2 lf: 2

Writers who wish to receive feedback, please comment and pokeystar will pm you on Monday or so.

APOLOGIES to the writers; Pokey was sick last week and forgot to post BANNERS and give FEEDBACK. BANNERS are now POSTED. FEEDBACK will be sent by MONDAY - both challenge 2 & 3. SORRY AGAIN.

Thank you all for coming - please stay, chat - visit the buffet and have a few on us. We'd like to add a special additional thanks to all you readers, voters and pimpers out there - we couldn't do this without you!

Last but certainly not least, next week's challenge will be posted shortly.

round 6, results

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