Round 6 Sign Ups!!

Feb 06, 2010 14:10


It is time for a feast.

Time to feed thy soul, runneth over thy cup and indulge thy fantasies.

How are we going to do that, you may wonder? With Food, obviously. It’s been told that it is the quickest way to a heart and we want to see how you can bring Draco and Hermione together.

If you are interested you first need to check out our Round 6 Schedule to be sure that you will have time to participate.

Then stop by the Rules and read them very carefully and hurry back to sign up.

We only have 14 slots this round, so do not dally. As we receive sign ups I will add your name to the prestigious list:

  1. dracodew17 
  2. hathorx 
  3. savepureness 
  4. terrayn 
  5. ayane_tsurugi 
  6. spadul 
  7. hpfangirl71 
  8. thedreamisreal 
  9. bookishwench 
  10. vox_rowan 
  11. fourth_drink 
  12. alexajohnson 
  13. queen_violet 
  14. open_atclose 

It's a Feast of Love
Sign up for dramione_ldws Round 6
Only 14 spots: sign up Feb 6th - Feb 13th

signups, round 6

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