Round 5 Challenge #7: Results

Nov 21, 2009 08:42

Around the world with Draco and Hermione!
Next stop: Florence, Italy, birthplace of the Renaissance!

This week we had 5 excellent drabbles up for the prizes! Our secret facts this week were Il Duomo, or the Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore, and the Ponte Vecchio! Everyone who wrote about one (or both) of these facts will get extra points this week!

Even though it was small, the field was once again strong and the decision difficult.

This week’s winner was pretty clear from the votes. Congratulations to ayane_tsurugi, who wrote “The Art of Eloping Magically!” Not only was the drabble great, but she created new lore for the wizarding world. The statue of Leonardo da Vinci was the crowning touch! Well done!

Mod’s Choice this week goes to mister_otter, who wrote “The Perfect Strategy!” Excellent understanding of the characters! We loved strong and hesitant Draco, understanding and surprising Hermione, and all the delightful Italian references. Congratulations!!

The authors’ names have been revealed on the voting post.

Feedback: If you want your feedback, comment to this post. It will be sent to you via PM.

POINTS! One final update for you before our grand finale week! I can’t believe this round is almost over! The drabbles each week have been consistently stellar, and the mods have greatly enjoyed reading every one of them. Our top three, in alphabetical order, are: ayane_tsurugi, greenschist, and mister_otter. But have no fear! The next challenge will be twice as much fun!

This segment of ldws is our newest addition. We are hoping to get you voters more involved, to reward you and thank you for participating in this challenge. Without you, we couldn’t operate!

Quick reminder of the rules: Voters were given the chance to leave their predictions for the top 3 drabbles. Points will be given for each correct guess, and shinies will be awarded to those with the most points.

The top 3 drabbles this week were: 4, 3, 2.

No one correctly guessed the top 3, but most people had at least two of them in their list somewhere. The closest guesses were nearly identical, made by elektra30 and feuerfunke! They both predicted the first and second place drabbles. Congratulations!

The next challenge will be up soon! I wish you all the best of luck, and I can’t wait to see what you come up with on our final destination.

round 5, results

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