Round 5 Challenge #4: Results

Nov 01, 2009 09:17

Around the world with Draco and Hermione!
Next stop: Perth, Australia!

This week we had 8 excellent drabbles up for the prizes! Our secret facts this week were Ueno Park and the cherry blossoms. So everyone who wrote about one (or both) of these facts will get extra points this week!

(NOTE: banners will be up when they’re ready!)

The votes were again close this week, partly due to the low number of votes. We need to get the word out and pimp this community! Congratulations to everyone again on a strong field and hard decisions!

The winner this week was bookishwench, who wrote “From Here to the Moon!” We loved Draco’s tale about a wizard beating Muggles to the moon, Hermione’s reaction, and then finding out it wasn’t true. They were both very in character. Congratulations!!

Mod’s Choice this week goes to ayane_tsurugi, who wrote “A Monument.” We liked that Hermione wanted Draco to know this one secret she’d kept from everyone else, but it was so very HER to give him a puzzle to solve first. Great use of the Swan Bells, and congratulations!

Next week, we hope to have all ten participants back with us!

The authors’ names have been revealed on the voting post.

Feedback: If you want your feedback, comment to this post. It will be sent to you via PM.

POINTS! A mere 5 points separates the first place from the fourth-this competition is fierce! Here are the top three participants, in alphabetical order: bookishwench, mister_otter, & somandalicious. Great job everyone, and if you don’t see you name here, don’t be discouraged! We’ve got some exciting plans for upcoming weeks where you’ll have a chance to make up those points!

This segment of ldws is our newest addition. We are hoping to get you voters more involved, to reward you and thank you for participating in this challenge. Without you, we couldn’t operate!

Quick reminder of the rules: Voters were given the chance to leave their predictions for the top 3 drabbles. Points will be given for each correct guess, and shinies will be awarded to those with the most points.

The top 3 drabbles this week were: 2, 5, and 7.

Again, no one came close to predicting the top 3 this week, but elektra30 correctly predicted the winner, earning her the most points for the week! Congratulations!!

Voter count this week: 21. We would love to hear your thoughts on what we can do to increase voter participation. What can we do to make this more exciting for everyone-participants AND voters? Thanks in advance!

Next challenge already up- here.

round 5, results

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