Round 5 Challenge #2: Results

Oct 17, 2009 09:23

Around the world with Draco and Hermione!
Next stop: Seattle, Washington, USA!

This week we had 6 excellent drabbles up for the prizes! Our secret fact was the Fremont Troll, chosen by the ever-awesome pokeystar. She was disappointed that no one wrote about her favorite Seattle landmark, but we hope someone will get this week’s.

(NOTE: banners will be up when they’re ready!)

The votes this week were again very close, though there was a slightly clear winner this time. Congratulations to everyone again on a strong field and hard decisions!

The winner this week was greenschist, who wrote “Jitters!” The idea of a strongly caffeinated Draco Malfoy is amusing, and seeing his enthusiasm at the sight of yet another Starbucks was great! Congratulations!!

Mod’s Choice this week goes to mister_otter, who wrote “That’s the Spirit.” This drabble was witty, heartwarming, and fulfilled the challenge admirably-not to mention the characters were very in character. Congrats!!

Next week, we hope to have all ten participants back with us!

The authors’ names have been revealed on the voting post.

Feedback: If you want your feedback, comment to this post. It will be sent to you via PM.

POINTS! It’s time for an update on the RUMBLE standings! We aren’t going to reveal actual point totals, just give you the top 3 participants in alphabetical order. Actually, the top 4 participants, since we have a tie. The top four are:

bookishwench, greenschist, mister_otter, and somandalicious.

This segment of ldws is our newest addition. We are hoping to get you voters more involved, to reward you and thank you for participating in this challenge. Without you, we couldn’t operate!

Quick reminder of the rules: Voters were given the chance to leave their predictions for the top 3 drabbles. Points will be given for each correct guess, and shinies will be awarded to those with the most points.

The top 3 drabbles this week were: 2, 3, and 6. Drabbles 3 and 6 actually TIED for second place. So we’ll accept predictions with 3 and 5 in either the 2nd or 3rd place positions.

feuerfunke correctly predicted the top 2 spots, the best of the bunch this week! Congratulations!!

Voter count this week: 25! That’s 4 better than last week, thank you, voters! Next week, I promise we’ll have pimping codes. pokeystar did her part, but I was late in making the graphic.

Next challenge up soon!

round 5, results

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