Round 4 Challenge #9: Results

Aug 19, 2009 09:00

“Love is to the heart what the summer is to the farmer's year - it brings to harvest all the loveliest flowers of the soul.” ~Author Unknown~

I can’t believe we’re down to the last elimination week! This round has flown by, and the drabbles produced by our fabulous participants have been outstanding. We are sure going to miss you all when this round is over!!

I’m sorry for the weird schedule the competition has taken on the last few weeks. Thank you, participants, for being so flexible!

(NOTE: banners will be up when they’re ready!)

This week’s winner came from behind to take the lead! Congratulations to bookishwench for the drabble "Floral Shorthand!" The title is fantastic, and using the meaning of flowers as a way for Draco to express himself was a great idea!

This week’s Mod’s Choice goes to nightfalltwen with “Taking Root." We love the idea of Hermione helping Draco with a potions shop venture, and the exchange at the end had our stomachs fluttering!

Sadly we must part with someone, but this is the last time this round. That, at least, makes me happy! We wish all the best to __vintagebomb! Thank you so much for playing! Happy writing!

The authors’ names have been revealed on the voting post.

Feedback: If you want your feedback, comment to this post. It will be sent to you via PM. I’ll be sending this week’s AND last week’s feedback together. Sorry for the delay!

LAST challenge up soon!

round 4, results

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