Round 4 Challenge #9

Aug 11, 2009 08:42

Hey Everybody! Miss me? I bet you did! (Are those groans I hear?) I'm filling in for Floo, who is currently out of town.

Round 4, Challenge #9:
“Love is to the heart what the summer is to the farmer's year - it brings to harvest all the loveliest flowers of the soul.” ~Author Unknown~

  • Drabbles must be between 100 and 499 words.
  • Please do not post your drabbles (or alternate versions) anywhere else until the challenge is over.
  • What you wrote is to remain private/anonymous until the results are revealed.
  • Please refrain from drabbling explicitly sexual or violent situations.
  • Double check for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and canon errors.
  • Comments on this post will be screened. Please comment with your submissions and put the following information at the top of your comment:

    Word Count:

  • Submissions are due by 11:59 United States East Coast Time (New York) on Sunday, August 16th (this is GMT -4). See The World Clock for time comparison to a city near you.

Your name will be crossed off when you submit your drabble:

1. bookishwench
2. midnight_birth
3. nightfallwen
4. __vintagebomb

Lots of Luck to the Writers! Voting Poll will be posted MONDAY morning, close WEDNESDAY night, results announced by THURSDAY night (barring a tie).

PS: Sorry the banners are incorrect for the results post for challenge 8 - when Floo returns from her trip, they will be corrected.

round 4, challenge

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