Round 3, Grand FINALE: Every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings.

Apr 18, 2009 08:56

Quiet on the Set! Ready? Roll 'em!


Scene (inspirational movie): It's a Wonderful Life
Action (must include): 250 words EXACTLY, Draco's PoV.
Theme (additional information): Gratitude
Synopsis (movie plot): It's a Wonderful Life: One of Greenschist's favorite movies, honoring her Round Two Championship.


Scene (inspirational movie): Your Choice - freestyle. (Can even be one of the movies already used this round, as long as your drabble is DIFFERENT)
Action (must include): Title of Movie you choose must be title of drabble.
Theme (additional information): Work in a favorite line from the same movie as dialogue.

Take Finale!
  • Drabbles must be 100-599 words - Prompt one has an exact word count requirement!
  • Please do not post your drabbles (or alternate versions) anywhere else until the challenge is over.
  • What you wrote is to remain private/anonymous until the results are revealed.
  • Please refrain from drabbling explicit sexual or violent situations.
  • The movies merely serve as inspiration for the prompts. The requirements and theme are most important.
  • Double check for grammar, spelling, punctuation and canon errors. And word count.
  • Comments on this post will be screened. Please comment with your submissions, and put the following information at the top of your comment:

    Word Count:

  • Submissions are due by 11:59pm United States East Coast Time (New York) on SATURDAY, April 25th (This is GMT -4) See The World Clock for time comparison to a city near you.
Your name will be crossed off when you submit the drabbles:
  1. floorcoaster
  2. greenschist
  3. bookishwench

Lots of Luck to the Writers! Voting Poll will be posted SUNDAY morning, close TUESDAY night, results announced by WEDNESDAY night (barring a tie).

round 3, finale, challenge

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